BankProspector V2 - Banks


On the Bank’s REO & Non-Performing Loans Overview page, members can see high-level details about the current and historical market, by asset type.

Each asset type has a current and historical chart view of the market.  Members are able to hover over the different pieces of the charts to get more detailed information for each section.  Members can then drill down into each asset type’s detail page which gives more specific information.

The overview page also includes a List of US Banks Ranked by Total Assets that are listed below the asset type charts.  Here members are able to run an export of the US bank list, as well as search for a bank, and sort by Bank Name, City, State, and Total Assets.


Each bank Asset Type has a detail page. Each detail page gives members an overview of the asset type to help the member better understand the market for that specific asset type.

Starting with the Non-Performing Loans and REO table, members are able to see current REO amounts and numbers of banks with REO for that asset type.  They can also see NPLs and Non-Accrual Loans in table form.  Members can click into each line of the table, to narrow down a list of banks that contain specific pieces of information, such as NPLs that are 30-89 Days late in Commercial Real Estate, like the example below.

In the chart section, members can see current and historical market information regarding that asset type.  Members are able to hover over the different pieces of the charts to get more detailed information for each section. 

At the bottom of each Asset Type Detail page, members will see a list of US Banks Ranked by the specific Asset Type with their total Assets.  That list can be exported, searched by name, or sorted by Bank Name, City, State, and Total Asset amount.


Individual bank record pages are the individual pages for each specific bank.  There, members can find bank details relating to that particular bank.

Starting at the top left, Members will see the Bank Details.  Bank Details include the logo, Headquarters Location, Main Phone number, website, FDIC Certificate Number, and FFIEC Number.  This table includes a reporting date and last updated data so members can see when the last updates were for this particular bank.

Members can also see the Bank Locations.  We provide a map view and list view for all locations.  Members can zoom in and out on the map to see the full United States or zoom in to a specific region.  On the list view, Members can view the office type and City and State for each individual location.  This table can be exported, searched, and sorted.

Next, we provide an REO section.  This provides members an overview of the Bank’s REO.  We show a historical bar chart over the last 8 quarters broken down into the 5 types of bank REO. We display a pie chart which shows the REO for the current quarter.  Each of the carts can hover upon each section so members can see specific numbers for each area of REO.  In addition to hovering on the chart sections, members can click on the legend to narrow down the data to a specific piece of REO data.

Below the REO charts, members will find the Bank’s REO and NPL report.  This gives a quick write-up on the bank's current state based on the most recent quarter. 

Members will then find the Banks Capital and Note Sale Indicator Sections (This was Previously labeled Loans and Leases held for Sale in our previous versions).  These sections show a chart view of 8 pieces of information to help members better understand the data presented.  These charts all contain an info icon that gives a bit more information describing the section being viewed.  These charts can also hover so members can see specific information for each piece of the chart.

Finally, members can see the Late and NPL Portfolios.  This section is by bank asset type.  Each asset type has its own section.  We provide a table and chart for each of these asset types - which includes details like portfolio amount, late loans, non-accruals, chart-offs, and NPLS to Loan Ratios.  The charts are broken down over the course of the last 8 quarters.  Members can hover over the chart sections to see specific numbers or they can select items in the legend to narrow down the chart information.  While we do track 12 different asset types for banks, keep in mind we may hide some sections for smaller banks if they haven’t reported for a specific asset type in the last 8 quarters or their portfolio values are less than $0.


Members are able to target banks in a few ways to build out their watch lists.

The first way is by targeting a specific bank on the individual bank record page.  Members can click the blue plus sign in the top left corner of the Bank Actions section to target a bank.  The bank can be untargeted with the same method -- simply click on the green Target icon to remove the bank from the watch list.

The other way to target banks is from the REO and NPL list views under banks.  To find these lists, members will click on a line item in the Asset Type Detail view to pull up a filtered list of assets relating to the NPLS or REO.  Once the list populates, members will click on the blue plus icon to target a new bank.  They can remove banks from their target list in the same manner -- by clicking on the green check icon to remove the target.



Tags are freeform categorization methods members can use to group banks.  To tag a bank, simply start typing in the “Add” Section of the tags area.  Click enter or click out of the tags section to save.  Banks can have one or many tags applied to them.  To delete a tag, members can click on the X on the blue tag - a confirmation modal will appear to ensure that the tag should be deleted.  Click remove a tag to confirm or click cancel to keep the tag.  


My Contacts is where individual contacts for a bank are saved.  These can be contacts saved through BankProspector or contacts added directly to their account.  Each bank’s contact list can be exported.  Members can Add New contacts directly in the Bank Actions “My Contacts” Section.  Existing contacts can be searched by name or title.  The list can be sorted by name and title as well.  

To view contact details, members can click on the Contact Name.  That will display a modal with all contact details saved in the system.  These fields are able to be edited. In the Edit record modal, members can also delete a contact or flag a contact for incorrect information.  We also enabled a “quick contact” method for each contact.  

Members are now able to email, call, and connect via LinkedIn directly in the My Contacts list -- simply click on one of the contact icons to start a new engagement.  If members would rather just write down or copy a phone number or email address, we also included the ability to hover over those icons for the email address and phone number for quick reference.


Notes is a section where members can keep quick notes for each bank.  Simply type a note in the text field and click add a note.  The notes are kept in the Notes History section of the Notes tab.  The history includes a date and timestamp, copy of the original note.  Members can edit these notes directly.  They can also remove an old note by clicking on the line of the note that’s no longer important and clicking the trash icon.  A confirmation message will pop up to ensure that it’s OK to delete the note.  Click Delete Note to proceed or cancel to keep the note.


Members can find new bank contacts in the Find Contacts Section of Bank Actions.  Members can scroll through the existing list of contacts we have available or they can search by Title, Location to find a new contact.  If we have something that matches the search, a list will be populated.  Members click on the Add Person icon to the left of the title of the contact to add them to the system.

If we don’t have a match for the search criteria, we do offer an option to request new contacts.  You can provide us with the title of the contact you’re looking for and our data team will try their best to find something comparable.